Otto Junker


Otto Junker is faced with the challenge of providing safety training for employees in handling high-performance furnaces. However, this is problematic in practice due to physical hazards and limited resources, as the furnaces need to be shut down for the duration of the training. This means they are no longer available for production, resulting in high costs. Existing methods are insufficient to impart an effective understanding of safety-relevant processes.


One of the main challenges is to offer safety training that is engaging, efficient, and risk-free. Realistic scenarios need to be simulated to prepare employees for potentially dangerous situations. The costs and logistical effort of conducting traditional on-site training sessions are also a hurdle. Additionally, potential barriers such as language or cultural differences need to be considered to ensure accessibility of the training for all employees.


To address these challenges, Otto Junker has opted for VR safety training. Through VR, realistic, hazard-free and immersive simulations can be created, involving employees in interactive training scenarios.

This experience not only increases engagement but also allows employees to develop safety-related skills in a risk-free environment. Additionally, VR offers the flexibility to conduct training sessions flexibly, individually and location independent. By leveraging modern technology, Otto Junker aims to elevate safety training to a new level and enhance workplace safety.