Vita Healthcare


Vita Healthcare AG offers high-quality dietary supplements and faces the challenge of convincing pharmacists and drugstore professionals of the excellent product quality, so they prefer to recommend Vita products.


In a market where all manufacturers compete for the attention of professionals through training sessions to increase sales, it is essential for Vita Healthcare to develop training that not only convinces with its content but is also designed to be time and space efficient, delivering the content precisely.


Vita Healthcare relies on an innovative VR application that focuses on the core ingredient Astaxanthin and thus finds application across the entire product range. Training participants immerse themselves in an immersive journey that deepens knowledge about the active ingredient and anchors it sustainably in memory.

This VR solution, equipped with hand tracking and designed to be experienced while seated, not only increases the willingness to attend training sessions but also provides an amusing anecdote during sales, indirectly contributing to an increase in sales figures.

Meanwhile, each field service employee of Vita Healthcare has three VR headsets in the trunk, which has greatly improved customers' willingness to schedule appointments. We are pleased with the success of Vita Healthcare and look forward to future developments.